Qui-Gon scours the market of Mos Espa for the vital ship parts needed to escape the planet and encounters child slave Anakin Skywalker, who helps him find the parts in return for help finding components to fix his racer. Along with Captain Panaka, they flee the besieged capital and make an emergency landing on the desert planet of Tatooine. He is then required to safely escort the group through the city as an invasion commences. Upon doing so, he finds Qui-Gon and Jar-Jar with Queen Amidala and her entourage. Qui-Gon manages to convince Nass to spare Jar-Jar's life and they depart for Naboo's capital, Theed, where Obi-Wan is again separated from Qui-Gon and Jar-Jar, forcing him to navigate his way through the Gardens of Theed. Upon travelling to Otoh Gunga, Jar-Jar is imprisoned, leaving Obi-Wan to navigate through the city to rescue him while Qui-Gon attempts to negotiate for his release with Gungan leader Boss Nass. There, Obi-Wan meets with Jar-Jar Binks, an exile of the Gungan city Otoh Gunga, who reunites him with Qui-Gon. They reach the hangar bay and escape in separate ships to the swamps of Naboo. Realizing that Gunray plans to assassinate them, the Jedi escape the room and fight their way through the ship, battling the Trade Federation's army of battle droids. However, after they arrive on Gunray's ship, the meeting room begins to fill with poisonous gas. Hoping to resolve the conflict peacefully, the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Finis Valorum, sends two Jedi, master Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to negotiate with the Viceroy. The Trade Federation, led by Viceroy Nute Gunray, has established a blockade of the planet Naboo in the midst of an intergalactic trade dispute. The story features several boss fights, such as a Tusken Raider Chieftain, Jabba's Pit Beast, and Sith Lord Darth Maul ( Gregg Berger). It mainly surrounds Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn ( James Warwick) and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi ( Scott Cleverdon). For example, it follows Queen Amidala ( Grey DeLisle) and Captain Panaka's ( Jeff Coopwood) journey on Coruscant during Anakin Skywalker's ( Jake Lloyd) interview in the Jedi Temple-something that is never shown or mentioned in the film since the film follows Anakin's point of view. The plot closely follows that of the film, although it expands on some minor events that were not present in the original film, or shows them from a different character's point of view. The game was among the first 3D Star Wars games to feature lightsaber duels as a combat feature. Throughout the game, the player fights against Darth Maul, Trade Federation battle droids, AATs, Tusken Raiders, Jawas, and various alien thugs and droids. The player may also encounter and interact with other non-player characters for directions, advice, trade, side missions (such as rescuing a captive or stopping a mugging) or to access otherwise locked areas. If the player is playing as either of the two Jedi, they can use a lightsaber or execute a Force push in addition to using blasters, proton missile launchers and explosives (which are available for Amidala and Panaka). The player is able to control either Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala or Captain Panaka, depending on the level. The game follows the plot of the film, but expands and alters points. The Phantom Menace is played largely from a top-down view.